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bali genuine program

bali homestay

anak - anak desa

Visit the fruit orchards and get charmed by the wandering movements of our river snaking through the rice fields and into our foliage-laden mountains and hills. A leisurely stroll via a footpath takes you to the southern part of the village where an untouched waterfall awaits you. For the more adventurous, activities like trekking, hiking and mountain biking will surely make your stay more memorable. At the end of the day, reward yourself with sensational visual drama of the sun setting over the panoramic Batukaru Ranges.





Pick up a tip or two on the preparation of traditional Balinese food from your host and savor the exquisite cuisine in your very own home even after you leave the place.

Discover the secrets of making a cup of fine Balinese coffee with its invigorating aroma - from picking the coffee beans yourself to joining the locals in processing them in the traditional fashion

Complete your cultural experience as master craftsmen guide you through the elaborate process of creating traditional handicrafts replete with intricate designs.




balinese foods

Village foods

sunrise in Ngis

Village Sunrise

frangipangi flower

Balinese Coffee

Our Friendly Pets
"I had really great stay here. Really enjoyed getting to know the balinese culture and life style. I will never forget it ! "
Brittany Cannava , California - USA
© bali homestay 2001 - 2012
photo courtesy of suwendra & stephanie